The Swedish water tech company Aqua Robur has developed wireless communication-equipment that allows water utilities to monitor their water networks in the way the suits their needs. The company’s equipment can be powered in three different ways to fit the conditions at each location in the water network. 其中之一是屡获殊荣和专利的涡轮机, which efficiently transforms a small part of the energy in the water pipeline into electricity with minimal pressure drop. 这使得水务公司能够在最需要的地方测量和检测漏水, 不仅仅是在有电的地方. The communication devices can also be powered by 230VAC or batteries when it is more suitable to the application.

Aqua Robur最初在北欧市场与市政供水公司合作, 但现在他们已经将解决方案推向了全球. 在大多数国家, 20-25%的淡水因公共水网的泄漏而流失, and billions of euros are wasted each year globally because pipelines cannot be efficiently monitored. 目前,水务公司正在努力解决这个问题. Many companies are using other sensor technologies that require long electricity cables or battery replacement, 这需要花费时间和金钱.

PG电子游戏对市场的了解, 的语言, culture and local customs is an essential part in helping establish relationships with local actors. 以那种方式, we believe that the value of the support of Business PG电子官方免费下载 goes well beyond the value of other types of market research.” 尼克拉斯·威克森,Aqua Robur的首席执行官

In order to efficiently reach a wide customer base across the global water utility network, Aqua Robur的市场策略是基于与当地分销商的合作关系. 加快国际化进程, Aqua Robur加入了PG电子官方免费下载商业公司的LEAP加速器项目. They then applied and were approved to Business PG电子官方免费下载’s 催化剂 Program where 意大利 was identified as one of the most attractive markets for them to target. 意大利被认为是欧洲泄漏率最高的国家之一, while at the same time being home to some of the most advanced water utilities in the world with strict demands on reducing leakage and quality of control of drinking water.

Aqua Robur的首席执行官Niklas wic解释道:

“我们在意大利市场采用多经销商战略. We cannot underestimate the difficulty it takes for any distributor to have a sufficient presence in the whole Italian peninsula. 意大利可能在地图上看起来并不大, 但它是一个人口众多、地区差异和风俗习惯重大的国家. As such, we believe it is better for us to work with more than one distributor in this market.”

While Aqua Robur’s cutting-edge technology already attracted interest from international players, the challenge remained: how to identify the most important players in the market and engage with the local distributors. Business PG电子官方免费下载’s ability to understand the local market potential and establish trust with leading actors in the market have been the cornerstones for Aqua Robur’s accelerated market launch.


“We know the importance of understanding the customs and language of the market that we are entering in order to establish trust with the actors that we want to work with. PG电子游戏对市场的了解, 的语言, culture and local customs is an essential part in helping establish relationships with local actors. 以那种方式, we believe that the value of the support of Business PG电子官方免费下载 goes well beyond the value of other types of market research.”

Business PG电子官方免费下载 assisted Aqua Robur to screen potential partners in the market and initiate business dialogues with the most relevant players. As part of the customer engagement strategy and to meet potential partners and customers in 意大利, Aqua Robur参加了欧洲最重要的清洁技术展览会之一, Ecomondo, 在PG电子官方免费下载商业组织的北欧馆. In just a week Aqua Robur had conducted several meetings and established a better understanding of the local partner profiles in order to decide on potential collaborations.

除了意大利市场, Aqua Robur sees great potential for their technology to help the local water utilities to solve the problem with ever decreasing drinking water supply in other parts of 欧洲, 从西班牙开始, 希腊, 德国和英国.


Identify relevant local distributors in the water utilities sector and understand their needs and approach to collaboration.


市场筛选和参与当地平台,与潜在的合作伙伴接触. 因为意大利的水务公司是非常地域性的, 找到几个合作伙伴以覆盖整个市场也很重要.


Strengthened local client relationships and several on-going dialogues and one upcoming pilot installation in 意大利. 通过与当地合作伙伴的长期合作, Aqua Robur can drastically decrease water leakage in public water pipelines and increase water utilities’ drinking water supply for citizens.